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February 14, 2007

Updated PHP guide

I have gotten a few e-mails recently about errors when using the test.php page I provide in the testing section.

The errors were of the type:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cookie - headers already sent by...

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent...

One of those who reported the errors also provided a solution, which was to place the PHP session code before any of the html code. Perhaps the newer versions of PHP (I only have 5.1.1 installed) are getting more syntactically tighter. I know the newer versions of PHP are requiring full PHP tags now.

Anyway, there is a new version of the test.php code in my PHP install guide

Posted by Peter at February 14, 2007 09:23 PM


Peter, great guide. I could have used this, this morning when I had to remotely help troubleshoot a corrupted PHP installation on W2k3 IIS. I only previously had experience with using the Binary Installer on an Apache server, so it was somewhat new ground and of course the site relying on PHP was due ASAP.

We eventually launched (on time) and its up (www.afnltd.com). Its the site of our parent company which I just overhauled. Its pretty simple, however compared to the site it replaced...well take a look for yourself : )

Again great guide, if I ever have to go through a complete PHP install on IIS I'll be sure to come back here!

Posted by: Elijah at March 6, 2007 07:13 PM

You are the best.. I've been searching around tons of bored banging my head about php set up on windows. Went through your doc and it was fixed within 10 min..GREAT JOB, GREAT ARTICLE.

Posted by: Brian at March 11, 2007 01:53 PM

Hello Peter

This is the best tutorial on installing PHP in IIS 6 that is. I never had any problems installing it before but I saw this and tried it. Perfect!

Posted by: Pierre Johansson at March 21, 2007 01:29 PM

Howdy Peter,

Thanks for your great work on this guide to installing PHP on IIS 6.0! It has saved my "bacon" on a couple of occasions so far.
If I could I would like to add one piece of info, that helped me (if it is already in the guide, please excuse me). In order to get my installation to work, I had to add "index.php" and "default.php" to the Documents tab under Web Site > Properties.
Ted J. Thrasher
Support OABS.ORG

Posted by: Ted Thrasher at January 11, 2008 08:52 AM

Hey Peter,

You did an excellent job on your installation instructions.

I am wondering if you would do one for PHP with Windows 2003 and SQL 2007. I have been having a tough time getting it to work.

Posted by: Kemper at March 14, 2008 08:48 AM

To quote Gomer Pyle: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

As a downsized Microsoft network engineer, out of work 2 weeks past my last unemployment check, I have been scrambling around the job sites trying to scare up something to put Friskies in the bowl. Yesterday I spent the whole morning in I'm-A-UNIX-GUY-I-HATE-STUPID-WINDOWS-GUYS hell trying to get PHP/MySql installed on my 2003 Server. This morning I googled "How to install PHP on Windows 2003" and I found your page.

Your talent is unequaled.

I have never read a better, more complete, well written, accurate, more useful piece of documentation in my entire carreer. (That is since 1981 BTW.)

I am truly in the presence of greatness and I thank you Sir!

Most sincerely,

Mark A. Weber, CDP, Used to be MCSE, Used to be CNE

Posted by: Mark A. Weber at April 24, 2008 04:30 AM

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